Take Advantage of Your School's Accessibility Services Looking to better cope with virtual learning and the stresses of college or university? Learn more about two services that could assist you in school. ![]() Learning Strategist This role may also go by a different name such as learning skills advisor or learning consultant. These are educators within your college or university accessibility services. They often work one-on-one with students to help find strategies to best fit their learning style and academic needs. A learning strategist may also deliver group workshops. Adaptive Technologist Some post-secondary schools also have an adaptive or assistive technologist. This person will assess the student’s individual needs, train the student on the appropriate technologies and make recommendations. Most schools have purchased software for students to use for free, however, if the software isn’t covered, they may help in finding bursaries to cover the cost. These bursaries may also cover the cost of assistive equipment and other services (e.g., note-taking or tutoring). Contact your school’s accessibility services or your POGO Transitions Counsellor to learn more about these and other supports within post-secondary schools!