Need a Job?

By: Ben Van Doodewaard & Michael Hinderyckx

Tips for Finding the Right Job:

It can be challenging to choose a career right for you. The National Occupational Classification (NOC) is a great place to find information related to careers that may peak your interest:

Here is a list of useful resources to help you get started with your job search:

Contact your SAVTI Counsellor for further assistance and information.

Career Centre in Schools:

Need career help?  Don’t forget to check out career centres at your school.  Most academic institutions provide guidance to students who want to learn more about what careers they can pursue with their education.  Career centres can also help you find a career that fits you, develop a resume, find employment and find volunteer experiences.  They can also help you translate your academic skills into skills for the workplace, and in some cases, do mock interviews with you.  It is also a great way to get in contact with alumni who can sometimes help you, too!